972-207-9414 info@midiamagazine.com

A Magazine for Quinceañeras, Sweet 16’s, Bat Mitzvah’s & Proms



Is a Higher Education Right for You?

Since 2009, Michele Bobadilla has served as UT Arlington’s senior associate vice president for outreach and community engagement and assistant provost for Hispanic student success. Responsibilities include directing UTA University Crossroads, an award-winning partnership that expands access to and increases success in higher education for first- and second-generation students from low- to moderate-income households.


MDM: What steps can young ladies begin taking as they explore college and career options?

MB: The promise of a bright future filled with limitless possibilities is a time for reflection and exploration. Dream big! Share your vision, your hopes, your interests with family, friends, teachers, and mentors. Reach out to your circle of support. Be inquisitive. Be fearless. Be intentional! “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” Benjamin Franklin Vision Board what you see for yourself. Update it frequently as you take the next steps in your life’s journey. Explore careers that excite you. Take advantage of every opportunity to job shadow career professionals; ask questions; actively research career pathways and colleges that offer your interests; take the most rigorous courses available to you; engage in related extracurricular activities; volunteer; seek career-related internships; and identify mentors, such as, college access providers (GO Center, TRIO, University Crossroads) who will serve as guides as you embark on your college visits and admission process. Enjoy every step of your journey!


MDM: Do high school grades really matter?

MB: An important factor to consider In your search is to find a college or university that best suits your needs. This is where a college access provider can be invaluable. Your grades and taking the most rigorous coursework available demonstrate your academic dedication and performance. Institutions of higher education seek students who are well-rounded and who challenge themselves. Demonstrated academic performance progress while taking a rigorous course load throughout high school sets you apart from others and opens opportunities for scholarships and more. Know that institutions of higher education want you to be successful and offer a variety of merit, academic, and designated scholarships, as well as, work/study opportunities, and financial aid. Your college access provider can assist you in making a seamless transition from high school to college.


MDM: How can students fund their college education?

MB: There are a number of ways to pay for your college education. Take advantage of resources provided to students who have taken the Dallas Promise Pledge or the T3 – Tarrant To and Through Pledge. Leverage transfer student opportunities afforded through Dallas College, Tarrant County College, Collin College, and others. Complete and submit a FAFSA – Free Application for Federal Student Aid or a TASFA – Texas Application for State Financial Aid. Consult with your college access provider to assist you with this process and to determine which application you should submit. Apply for merit, academic, designated, organization and other scholarships available at your college. Your college access provider can guide you in your scholarship search. You should also consider setting aside some earnings from your part-time or summer jobs for your college fund.


MDM: How can students get engaged on campus?

MB: The ultimate college experience will provide you with the opportunity to create lifelong friendships, to build community and belonging through campus organizations, and to experience residential life. Through your college campus visit and orientation take time to explore clubs, organizations, intramural sports, Greek Life (fraternities and sororities), interest groups, service learning opportunities, Study Abroad, and more. Being actively engaged will enhance and enrich your college journey. If possible, live on campus. This will empower you as you engage in academic and extracurricular opportunities; allow you easy access to libraries, computer labs, gymnasiums, special events, and more; and will make you feel part of the rich tapestry that is campus life.


Thank you Michele for answering some questions for MiDia Magazine. This will help to remind our readers of their next milestone, a higher education.





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